Island Dollars News

Updated tours - June 16th, 2006
Joon's surfers will now be able to see current members updates on both tour 1 and tour 2. Joon's trailer is also available in multiple sizes.
IslandDollars will open June 20th - June 07th, 2006
ZERO traffic leaks, pop ups or cross sales for your traffic. Our official launch date is June 20th, 2006. New accounts are currently on manual approval, so please contact us on IcQ: 176176 to... continue...
IcQ issues - June 06th, 2006
We have recently had issues with IcQ missing / dropping messages. If you have any pending requests, please resend them to and we'll take care of them a.s.a.p!
Cascading billers for JoonMali active - June 06th, 2006
As of 5pm PST, now has multiple credit card billers available. This should increase membership approvals, and assure you the best chance for the sale.
Updated content sets - June 05th, 2006
We just recently increased Joon's photo content zips from 16 pics to 20. This gives you more variety for your promotional efforts.
A big 'thank you' to all of our beta testers! - June 03rd, 2006
Initial reactions for our first site,, have been amazing. We apprecite your marketing efforts. Please contact me directly for any promotional ideas or suggestions on how to improve... continue... server outage - May 31st, 2006
From 6:15pm to 8:45pm, the IslandDollars server experienced downtime. We apologize for the downtime, and are working on solutions to eliminate future outages. We are also working on a special way... continue...
Detailed stats now available - May 30th, 2006
Inside the stats section, "View Detailed Stats Report" is now functional. You now have access to more detailed information about your promotional campaigns.
Beta testers - May 25th, 2006
IslandDollars will commence with beta testing shortly. Interested partners please contact us on icq: 176176 or
Cascading processors for JoonMali coming soon - May 22nd, 2006
Additional processing ability has been added to JoonMali and should be implemented shortly. We're working to get everything tested and working perfectly before moving forward.